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Notepad for mi band 7

小米手环7小程序 Notepad for mi band 7 V1.0.0.

this is a program that developement started when humaid post a version of this, but the main difference is, that, you need laptop, on the applet of humaid, now, you can do on watch

well, for now, program not support chinese, but innext version, appart of some thing I can´t say you, i will add it but the "pinyin" charactters, if I do it with all the symbols of chinese idiom, i will be full!!!!!

Well, for now supported charactters are:

  • Letters:[a to z]
  • delete function
  • enter function
  • space function
-clear function(set all text to nothing, like us you open program for first time, require anther confirmation page, also contains "about" page)

personally, i think is my best project for mi band 7, and I am very proud of it

next update will surprise, and it will be avaliable on 27 of november(my birthday date), well, I am not saying that I wont submit fixing errors updates with minor changes...

so wait, it isn´t more that 25 days!!!

and for last, but not the less important, i will like to mentionate zzt741, that halp me to modify and correct some wrong code, thanks for him!!!(included on thankfulness page of watch program)

If you have any sugerence, please, send me a provate messege, or comment here!!!
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