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Vela圆表表盘 Xiaomi Watch S1 Pro 表盘 金鹰 [汉化]


Xiaomi Watch S1 Pro 表盘

⚠仅适配用于Xiaomi Watch S1 Pro,其它设备请勿轻易尝试!

① 指针时间、数字时间、星期、日期、电量、心率、卡路里、步数信息显示。
② 常规表盘界面时间分号闪烁动画无限循环,数字显示空位以辉光管效果补位。
③ 同风格息屏表盘,可读指针时间、数字时间、日期、星期、电量信息(NOAOD版本为不带息屏表盘版本)。

  • 下载附件.face或者.bin文件,如果是.zip压缩文件请解压获取上述文件,保存至手机你能找得到的位置。
  • 推荐使用表盘自定义工具,app中工具->表盘替换安装->高级替换
  • 填写相应参数开始替换安装,参考示例:
    • 包名:com.mi.health
    • 文件路径:/files/WatchFace/bbf359050f5e892881ba511444274551
    • 循环替换间隔时间:10
    • 勾选“替换表盘ID”
    • 表盘ID位置:40
    • 表盘ID长度:9
    • 表盘ID:(留空)
    • 表盘名:(留空)
  • 选择文件->找到下载的.face或.bin表盘文件
  • 打开官方小米运动健康app,进入设备->表盘市场,找到上方参数“文件路径”使用的表盘,直接使用以上示例数据的话,位于商务类别->“黑金”表盘,点击“下载并使用”表盘。
  • 安装成功之后可以直接点击“删除”。
  • 此时切换到表盘自定义工具app,点击最下方“读取表盘ID”->“开始安装”按钮,如果手机弹出来需要授权文件访问权限,请允许。
  • 在切换到小米运动健康app,还是找到示例中的的这款黑金表盘,重新点击“下载并使用”,如果提示文件无效,请反复点击,直到安装成功。
  • 成功后可以停止表盘自定义工具app中的安装,如果安装失败,请重复以上步骤反复操作
  • 如此替换安装的自定义表盘,在app中显示会是替换前的原官方表盘名称,请注意区分。
  • 已分享到到表盘自定义工具app的小米手环8pro板块,可快捷下载安装。
  • 息屏表盘:息屏后,常亮显示的表盘,需要在手表设备“设置”中开启息屏显示。
  • ⚠注意:使用此表盘/小程序/固件代表您已知晓其中风险,如若造成设备异常,风险自负,作者不会对此负责!请知悉并慎重考虑!

Xiaomi Watch S1 Pro 表盘




⚠仅适配用于Xiaomi Watch S1 Pro,其它设备请勿轻易尝试!

① 指针时间、数字时间、星期、日期、电量、心率、卡路里、步数信息显示。
② 常规表盘界面时间分号闪烁动画无限循环,数字显示空位以辉光管效果补位。
③ 同风格息屏表盘,可读指针时间、数字时间、日期、星期、电量信息(NOAOD版本为不带息屏表盘版本)。



  • 下载附件.face或者.bin文件,如果是.zip压缩文件请解压获取上述文件,保存至手机你能找得到的位置。
  • 推荐使用表盘自定义工具,app中工具->表盘替换安装->高级替换
  • 填写相应参数开始替换安装,参考示例:
    • 包名:com.mi.health
    • 文件路径:/files/WatchFace/bbf359050f5e892881ba511444274551
    • 循环替换间隔时间:10
    • 勾选“替换表盘ID”
    • 表盘ID位置:40
    • 表盘ID长度:9
    • 表盘ID:(留空)
    • 表盘名:(留空)
  • 选择文件->找到下载的.face或.bin表盘文件
  • 打开官方小米运动健康app,进入设备->表盘市场,找到上方参数“文件路径”使用的表盘,直接使用以上示例数据的话,位于商务类别->“黑金”表盘,点击“下载并使用”表盘。
  • 安装成功之后可以直接点击“删除”。
  • 此时切换到表盘自定义工具app,点击最下方“读取表盘ID”->“开始安装”按钮,如果手机弹出来需要授权文件访问权限,请允许。
  • 在切换到小米运动健康app,还是找到示例中的的这款黑金表盘,重新点击“下载并使用”,如果提示文件无效,请反复点击,直到安装成功。
  • 成功后可以停止表盘自定义工具app中的安装,如果安装失败,请重复以上步骤反复操作
  • 如此替换安装的自定义表盘,在app中显示会是替换前的原官方表盘名称,请注意区分。
  • 已分享到到表盘自定义工具app的小米手环8pro板块,可快捷下载安装。
  • 息屏表盘:息屏后,常亮显示的表盘,需要在手表设备“设置”中开启息屏显示。
  • ⚠注意:使用此表盘/小程序/固件代表您已知晓其中风险,如若造成设备异常,风险自负,作者不会对此负责!请知悉并慎重考虑!

Xiaomi Watch S1 Pro watch face

dial name

[TD]golden eagle[/TD]
Watch face preview

[TD]Regular dial: 浏览附件21064
Interest screen dial:浏览附件21065
Dial introduction

[TD]This dial comes from the international version of Xiaomi Sports Health modified by a Russian boss. The original dial is called Eagle and the interface is in Russian. After remaking it, the Russian part was modified into Simplified Chinese.
⚠Only suitable for Xiaomi Watch S1 Pro, please do not try it on other devices!

Dial content:
① Pointer time, digital time, day of the week, date, battery, heart rate, calories, and step information display.
② The time semicolon flashing animation on the regular dial interface loops infinitely, and the empty spaces in the digital display are filled with Nixie tube effects.
③ The dial with the same style of breath-taking screen can read the pointer time, digital time, date, day of the week, and battery information (the NOAOD version is the version without the dial with the breath-taking screen).

(Unable to contact the original author, deleted due to infringement)[/TD]
dial author

[TD]Original work: @Demono4ek
Chinese translation: @晖 grizzly bear
Installation Notes

  • Download the attached .face or .bin file. If it is a .zip compressed file, please unzip it to obtain the above file and save it to a location where you can find it on your phone.
  • It is recommended to use the watch face customization tool , Tools in the app- > Dial Replacement Installation- > Advanced Replacement .
  • Fill in the corresponding parameters to start the replacement installation, refer to the example:
    • Package name: com.mi.health
    • File path:/files/WatchFace/bbf359050f5e892881ba511444274551
    • Cycle replacement interval: 10
    • Check "Replace watch face ID"
    • Dial ID position: 40
    • Dial ID length: 9
    • Watch face ID: (leave blank)
    • Dial name: (leave blank)
  • Select File- >Find the downloaded .face or .bin watch face file
  • Open the official Xiaomi Sports and Health app, enter the device -> watch face market , find the watch face used in the parameter "File Path" above. If you directly use the above example data, it is located in the business category -> "Black Gold" watch face, and click " Download and Use " watch face.
  • After successful installation, you can click " Delete " directly.
  • At this time, switch to the watch face customization tool app and click the " Read Watch Face ID " -> " Start Installation " button at the bottom . If the phone pops up and requires authorization for file access, please allow it.
  • After switching to the Xiaomi Sports Health app, find the black gold watch face in the example and click " Download and Use " again. If it prompts that the file is invalid, please click it repeatedly until the installation is successful.
  • After success, you can stop the installation in the watch face customization tool app. If the installation fails, please repeat the above steps .
  • The custom watch face installed in this way will be displayed in the app as the original official watch face name before the replacement. Please pay attention to the distinction.
  • It has been shared to the Xiaomi Mi Band 8pro section of the watch face customization tool app and can be quickly downloaded and installed.
  • Screen-off dial: After the screen is off, the dial that is always on needs to be turned on in the "Settings" of the watch device.
  • ⚠Note: Using this watch face/mini program/firmware means that you are aware of the risks involved. If it causes abnormality in the device, it is at your own risk and the author will not be responsible for it! Please be informed and consider carefully!

update record:
Great watchface!

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